Karin Bachner & Jörg Seidel
Swing and Bossa Novas from German-speaking jazz cuisine, with a large portion of Viennese Charm. You will be surprised how much verve and drive you'll find also in as "dry and edgy known" german language. Our german mother tongue bluntly hits right in the heart, let us dream, or put a smile on our faces.
Karin Bachner, one of the best jazz singers in Austria, and her musical partner Jörg Seide l (voc / guit) offer top hits of German and Austrian swing music and related styles.
The program includes own german versions of well-known American Songbook Classics and songs from german icons like Hildegard Knef or Udo Jürgens!

CD/digital Release Jänner 2024
Wir freuen uns unsere CD "Swing das Ding" am 4. Jänner 2024 digital auf allen Plattformen zu veröffentlichen.
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